Image: Laura Ranola (@lauranola)
Western Sydney has struggled with the harsh realities of negative stigmas and prejudice throughout society and media. In contrast to this, the community is growing as more developments unfold and there is evidence of a unified effort to make positive changes within the culture of Western Sydney.
Earlier this month, The Western was invited to a social networking night hosted by OPNSRC.CO at The Stonecutters creative space. The night attracted crowds of young creatives and like-minded members of the community, with panel guests including Maria Maritar from Blacktown Performing Arts, Curator of Casula Powerhouse Lilian Silk, Peter Doueihi from Grounded Space, Bodega Collective and House Warming Collective. The night also featured performances by local artists No Intent, Light from a Stranger, Amends and Maysa Tippins.
The panel shared their vision and common goals of providing opportunity for those with diverse backgrounds and creating a space for culture & arts within the greater West. Ms Mitar highlighted that “we as programmers need to ask the community what they want and need. All councils need to address the community”. Ms Silk went on to encourage the crowd to collaborate with one another saying that “good ideas do not grow in isolated spaces” and Mr Doueihi reinforced this by challenging the crowd to “find like-minded people with a common goal”.
The panelists also fielded questions from the audience. A common question raised related to the resources available to Western Sydney creatives. It was acknowledged that there is talent in the West, but what is lacking is the resources to support local creatives. Ms Mitar responded by encouraging creatives to apply for grants as the local Government has provided their support for local projects.
Image: Laura Ranola (@lauranola)
Following the panel, members of Bodega Collective and House Warming Collective shared their origin stories on stage. Bodega Collective’s story took them from renting out warehouses and hosting wild events to later creating a record label for local artists. House Warming Collective organises events in the backyard of one of their members and aims to provide a safe space for heavy metal, rock and punk lovers.
Both have a similar agenda of bringing people together and shared their challenges from their start-ups. Dan from Bodega Collective emphasized the importance of learning from your mistakes and told the audience that “your passion for whatever you do should overlook differences”.
Overall the night was a success and the future is bright for this culturally diverse and self-determined community. More opportunities are being created by the community, for the community so watch this space!