[REVIEW] Work For The Money
Lauren strikes the world in the midst of this dull period of time with a fiery, heart-pumping new track titled Work For The Money. Let her take you back to the 80s with her video clip, where leotards and leg warmers are one of the main attractions. Lauren keeps it sexy and empowering as always with her fun lyrics, and makes it vibrant with bright colours and simple dances to mimic in the comfort of your home.
(Image Credit: Warwick Gow @warwickgowphoto)
Work For The Money is our latest girl power anthem, and doesn’t fail in making whoever listens to it, feel confident and inspired. Whether the inspiration is to go outside wearing your newest dress when you didn’t feel comfortable in it in the first place, or taking that free pole dancing lesson that has been staring at you from the fridge magnet for a year. You could be sitting in your 9-5 job and still love this song, because that’s the effect it has.
(Image Credit: Warwick Gow @warwickgowphoto)
‘Stay on my own, I need no help. Setting the tone, feeling myself. Taking the throne and I’m building my wealth’ Lauren is so faithfully unapologetic in this spring hit and teaches you to be fierce and confident with these short but powerful lines.
The sleek visuals come from Brisbane’s No1 Network and the production comes from Western Sydney’s Bodega Collective’s, Korky Buchek.