[TRACK REVIEW] Older - Gemma Navarrete
Nothing quite matches the dreaminess of Rhodes keys on top of vinyl crackle. That is, until you want to buy a Rhodes and realise how much they cost. But fear not, you can enjoy the dulcet tones of Gemma Navarrete (@gemmasjams) on her debut single Older absolutely free. The Western Sydney songstress opens her discography with a laidback tune, singing about the glow up she anticipates (dw, it’s already begun).
When I am older maybe I’ll know why’
(Image credit: Older cover art provided by artist)
Echoing the vocal hues of Amy Winehouse and the sparse production of Voodoo-era D’angelo, Older is a vulnerable insight into the artist’s growth. Naverrete uses her poetic license to speak her mind, producing a four-minute daydream that seems almost conversational. Teamwork makes the dream work, and the team has indeed worked wonders for Older. The track's credits include Chelsea Warner (@chelseawarnermusic) on production, Jerome Blazé (@soundbyjerome) on mixing, Min Ahn (@min_ahn.wav) on guitar and Xiro (@xiro_aus) on mastering.
Allow me to nerd out a little. With such a minimalist instrumental, it’s easy to just copy-paste entire sections of an arrangement. Older features the occasional perc hit or snare-roll, which goes a long way to avoid this. And yes, I noticed the hi-hats jumping from left to right and back again as the track progressed. The descending minor 7 chords in the bridge were a highlight too. It really does pay to keep things simple. Ok enough *takes glasses off*.
‘Development is on the way’
(Image credit: Older press shot photographed by Shen Osaki (@shenosaki)
Older is surprisingly mature for a debut track. Navarrete’s vocal performance is measured and molded to fit the instrumental remarkably well. Out of the corner of my ear, I heard some trap-inspired hi-hat trills. Ngl, I thought Navarrete was gonna burst into a freestyle, but alas, I was wrong. Maybe on the next single? When she’s actually older?
I do not apologise for the last pun.