Have the lockdown blues got you down? Do you miss Macca’s parked-car therapy sessions with mates? Do you wanna see Esky’s bookshelf in all its glory? Cast your worries aside, and join us for our Inspo Nights, run by our counselling gurus Laura (@lauranola) and Esky (@esky.esk),every Wednesday at 7:30pm on Instagram Live.

With the intention of fostering community in a time where our mental health has so many strains on it, these IG live sessions are an intimate refuge from the daily bad news we can’t seem to escape.

‘Laura and Esky discuss toxic and chaotic friends’ [this photo is over a year old] (Image Credit: provided by The Western)

‘Laura and Esky discuss toxic and chaotic friends’ [this photo is over a year old]
(Image Credit: provided by The Western)

Drawing on their years of counselling experience, Laura and Esky delve into unique topics each week, the likes of which include; overcoming self-doubt, building patience, time management, and more. The result is an authentic and informal discussion, full of pearls of wisdom to wield  on your siblings or roommates. 

The idea for Inspo Nights came from Laura’s desire to inspire the The Western team, and engage with the online community in a warm and approachable way. In alignment with our own values, we hope that Inspo Nights inspire the community. Esky admires the environment that IG live offers, specifically, the feeling of a community forum where all are welcome. Whatever connectivity we can experience is important, he claims. 

Lockdown has us all craving interaction, and our Inspo Nights give viewers the opportunities to weigh in on the topics of discussion. The relaxed tone of the live sessions lets viewers feel eased, and welcome to chime in if they want to contribute (and whoever commented ‘retaliation is a must’ last week is proof that drillers need inspiration too).

‘Community in Healing episode this coming Wednesday’. (Image Credit: provided by The Western)

‘Community in Healing episode this coming Wednesday’.
(Image Credit: provided by The Western)

Laura and Esky plan to keep the IG live sessions running at least until lockdown is over. Future Inspo Nights are set to feature more guests and artist performances, so be sure to keep your Wednesday nights free(we know you’re home and not doing anything). 

Tune in this week as we discuss ‘Community in Healing’ with special guest Trey Thelma (@treythelma).

Michael Furcciniti

Jack of all trades and master of like two.
1999. Macquarie University.


