FEELZ: Mental Health Night
Introducing FEELZ: Mental Health Night! On October 12, we will be hosting an event on something we’re so passionate about! We feel that this is a conversation that should be apparent in our day to day lives.
Joining us on the panel is 2018 NSW Grand Slam Winner Pola the poet and the two women behind The Brave!
We have special performances from Pola himself, local artists Clarissa Mei and INQ.uisutive minds.
Entry js a gold coin donation! All funds raised will be donated to Eagle RAPS.
Eagles RAPS Inc. was established in 1997 in response to the suicide of two young people in the Western Sydney area and is dedicated to the prevention of youth suicide. It offers support to young people in need of assistance in many different ways, including counselling, assisting in finding accomodation, education and training, and recreational facilities. They work with youth to better meet the needs and challenges that young people face in a rapidly changing world.