Local artist Nicole Issa (@nicole__issa) either has the best timing or the worst, with her delivery of her aptly titled debut single Home. Written during last year’s lockdown, the soft-pop tune explores the complications of love atop a pensive, steady instrumental. Engineered and produced by Taka Perry (@takaperry), Issa’s debut offering is a vulnerable cut bursting with warmth.
Issa staring at you for not streaming home
(Image credit: Photograph by Sarsha Simone @sarshasimone)
The wistfully delivered lyrics are personal for Issa, whose artistry is a reflection of her own reality. Home explores youthful struggle and heartbreak (bro how are you meeting people in lockdown) in a mature and composed manner. Stripped of any bells and whistles, this approach to songwriting is mirrored in the sparse yet full-bodied production.
She says that Home was born after watching family videos, quickly penning the lyrics within days and back-and-forthing the track with Perry. It’s worth noting that the ‘heartbeat’ of the muffled kick was a creative decision from Issa, most likely to bring out more emotion. Between dramatic strings and heavy toms, the Southwest artist soars above the track. The crescendo over the final 40ish seconds of Home sees Issa belt out some stacked harmonies, before resolving with the chorus. Except this time she doesn’t say home. Incentive to replay the track, perhaps?
Details for Issa’s show on Homebound (Image credit: Provided by artist)
Racking up over 3000 plays in the first week, Issa is proud to say the least - “I’m ecstatic, I’m excited and I’m grateful”. Visuals for the single are slated to release on the 15th of September. But before that, Issa will be performing a show along with fellow vocalist Gemma Naverrete (@gemmasjams). The mini-concert will be streamable via Twitch at 7:30pm on the 10th of September with the good people from Homebound (@homebound.live). I’ll refrain from making any further puns about the track’s title here, but suffice to say, tune in, because we know where you’ll be on Friday night.
Stream the track here and RSVP to the show this Friday night here.