On Saturday, 23rd November, Campbelltown Arts Centre will transform into a wavy hall with an all female artistic lineup, consisting of Jessica Jade, Rebecca Hatch, Mirrah, Nardean, and Zeadala. After a year of hustle and determination, it is now time to showcase what they’re made of.
CONSCIOUS PRESENTS (Image: @campbelltownartscentre)
Conscious is an artist workshop slate curated by L-Fresh the LION, a South-West Sydney local and hip-hop artist. He works with selected artists to develop their abilities and create pathways for their career. They are taught to develop their writing and individual skills, learn how to network in the industry, and what it takes to produce their music. They are also encouraged to engage with the local community through workshops and events to build on their individual creative and leadership skills.
Jessica Jade is an urban R&B artist who made her television debut in a girl group on X-Factor AU when she was 14. Rebecca Hatch is an 18 year old R&B artist of Samoan and Indigenous descent who fantastically respects her roots. Rebecca won Triple J’s Unearthed High Indigenous Initiative at the National Indigenous Music Awards.
Jessica Jade (Image: @campbelltownartscentre)
Mirrah has a creative passion for the genre hip-hop and has collaborated with L-Fresh the LION for many years. Nardean is a super trendy MC, poet, singer, and songwriter who incorporates her Egyption heritage into much of her work. Zeadala is a poet, actress, and musician. The term Eadala is Arabic for justice, which embodies her thirst for fairness and equality amongst women of colour.
The event won’t be where the story ends - it will be a gateway for these artists to continue working on their talents, collaborating with and teaching others, and helping other local hip hop artists get recognised for their hustle. After the event, the girls will essentially become alumni of the Conscious program.
Zeadala (Image: @campbelltownartscentre)
‘Everyone’s different with different goals. With Rebecca, it’s been more about experimenting and hooking her up with the right producers. With Jessica, she specifically wanted to work on getting her EP out there and working with high-level producers.’ L-Fresh the LION voiced.
L-Fresh the LION wants to exhibit how great the talent is not only in Australia, but Western Sydney, where there is no shortage of talent and artists. He also wants attendees to acknowledge and appreciate this world-class talent and enjoy themselves.
‘It’s been a great journey so far, I hope they can continue to tap into this creative resource that is Conscious.’ L-Fresh the LION remarks.
For ticketing and more information, please visit